Yes, usually. As long as your item has not shipped, you can request to cancel the item. We'll attempt to cancel your item as best we can, but submitting a cancelation request does not guarantee your item will be canceled.
Note: Currently, you must cancel each item separately.
- Click My Account > Order History & Reorder. (If you are not signed in already, you'll be prompted to do so.)
- Click Order Details next to the order containing the item you'd like to cancel.
- The Order Details page appears. Click Cancel for the item you'd like to cancel.
- Click Cancel my item in the Cancelation Request window.
- A pop-up window appears and indicates we are attempting to cancel your order. Click Close.
- Repeat the process for each item you'd like to cancel.
If an item was successfully canceled:
- A refund for the amount of the item will be issued to the payment method used.
Note: If payment was not taken, we will cancel the pending charge. - You will receive an email with refund information.
- Your Order History is updated:
- "Canceled" displays next to the item that was canceled.
- The Cancel button is grayed out.
You will receive 2 emails during the cancelation request process:
- "Important information about your order" - indicates we have received your cancelation request.
- "Cancelation Update" - indicates if the cancelation of your item was successful.